Just by the looks of it, isn't she basically just starving herself?
I personally liked Wendy when she was chubbier because she looked cute, it's upsetting seeing how people swore at her and made her lose weight because of that..
At some point she was on some program and just seeing her eyes, you could tell how much she wanted to eat the food..
I seriously wished she could eat at her wish..
And I hope people stopped swearing at her..
It's so hard being in girl groups nowadaysㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
post response:
original post :here
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- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.13 07:05
- No but seriously if you're a fan, you'd only wish your idol to stay healthy. They can't always be taking care of dieting all the time because of different circumstances so you shouldn't be saying stuff like "lose weight"
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.13 07:41
- I understand that keeping an eye on their weight is part of being an idol, but I hope they prioritize health ㅜ
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.13 08:39
- Please I hope she wont end up being anorexic because of that, please stop losing weight. Just maintain this by exercising