left;">-I clicked this post because I thought VIXX would be here.. They're famous for being Black-Bean-Paste-VIXX..
-They all look pretty with black lipstick, but Hyori rocks it the best in my opinion!
-Lee Hyori looks amazing..
-Hwasa too..ㅜㅜ
-I think it looks really nice on people with thick lips..ㅋㅋ
-They all rock that black lipstick except for Lee Sungkyung..
-Hyori really does look pretty with everything..
-Nada also looks really beautiful with blue lipstick.. It's so fascinating..
-Lee Hyori looks so cool..
-No one can beat Lee Hyori..
-Gain and Hyorin suits that color the best..
-I thought Zico would be listed in this post..
-Whoa.. Nada looks so cool..
-Lee Hyori is the first one I can think of as soon as I read the title..
-Lee Sungkyung.. It looks like black bean paste on her..