1. Big Mac
2. Shanghai Spice Chicken Burger
3. Bacon Tomato Deluxe
-My favorite is Shanghai Spice Chicken Burger..
-I love BaToDe..<3
-I really want to try BaToDe but I can't eat tomatoes..ㅠㅠ I'm so sad..
-I really love Big Mac Patty but there's no McDonalds around me, so it's kinda hard to get one..ㅠㅠ
-But.. my favorite is
-I really love Big Mac..
-No burgers can beat 1955..
-1955 is expensive, but I always order for it whenever I go to McDonalds..
-I love all of those burgers except for Big Mac..
-I've tried Big Mac and Shanghai Spice Chicken Burger.. How does Batode taste..?
-Shanghai Spice Chicken Burger and Batode are literally the best burgers ever..
-There's no 1955 in this list.. Big Mac is not my typeㅠㅠ
-I love Shanghai Spice Chicken Burger..
-I've never tried any of those burgers..
-Batode..ㅠㅠ I love you, let's be together for the rest of our lives..
-Double bulgogi..!!
-Huk.. No one loves double bulgogi..? It's okay, I will eat all of Double bulgogis in this world..
-Huk.. I'm craving for some burgers now..