post response: +257
original post: here
1. [+1,170, -11]
Jung Sewoon is cute
2. [+685, -7]
Both of them are such stan-attractors~~ Ponyo Sewoon and Pang-hyun, let's walk the flower path!!
3. [+690, -12]
I hope that they debut in the same groupㅠㅠ
4. [+484, -4]
Hit big~<3
5. [+423, -3]
I'll support you guys all time time, everywhere
6. [+102, -1]
I seriously like Jung Sewoon soooooooooooo much
7. [+89, 0]
Jung Sewoon will become a great musician..
8. [+80, -1]
I liked Kwanghyun though.. He was good at rapping and singing and had a nice voice. I hope that the two of them debut together~~
9. [+73, -1]
The more I see Jung Sewoon, the more charming he getsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ