They were seen in the video of Idol School's School Song
-S.. School song..?
-Hul.. Jiwon has lost so much weight.. Three of them are
talented, I believe they can do well there!
-Hul.. Did Natty leave JYP??
-I heard that girls who are already signed with entertainment companies are not allowed to participate in this show.. Does that mean all of them have left JYP??
-Eunseo..ㅠㅠ Eunseo-yaㅠㅠㅠ
-I wonder if the three of them really did leave JYP.. What's going on..
-I already heard that Natty is leaving JYP, so it's not that shocking for me.. I didn't expect Jiwon and Eunseo to leave JYP too..
-I knew that Eunseo and Jiwon have already left JYP, but not for Natty.. All of them are skilled and talented enough, so I believe they will nail it there!! I'm rooting for these girls!
-Jiwon has gotten so much prettier.. Whoa..
-I seriously wasn't going to watch this show but.. Natty.. Natty, why are you in that videoㅠㅠ
-I expected Natty to debut in JYP, though..ㅠㅠ
-Hul..ㅠㅠ I'm going to watch this show..ㅠㅠ
-I wish them all the best..ㅠㅠ But I have to admit that it's a shame that they left JYP..
-Did the eliminated trainees from Sixteen leave JYP except for Somi?
-Hul.. I didn't know that Eunseo left JYP..