'Look at all these dishes stacked up. I think I have to do the dishes now'
First, they would block the sink, put the dishes in there, and fill it with warm water
Add soap and the sink will full of water with foam
They take the dishes out of the foamy water and rinse it
And then, using dry towel, they remove the remaining foam from the dishes
Save it in the shelves and you're done^^
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-How about the dishes in restaurants?
-Isn't it the same with you wash your body with soap and immediately wash the foam off from your body with dry towel?
-Maybe it's because water is expensive there?
-Hul.. My grandmother would really hate to see that..
-Yes, that's how they do the dishes in America. I went to study abroad and I had a cooking class back then, after the class ends the students would usually wash the dishes like that..
-That's how my father does the dishes, my mother hates it and scold him whenever he does that..
-Are there anyone who live in The States? Please explain to us about the whole thing.. Doesn't that mean there would be soap left in the dishes, though?
-That's how they do it there.. I once do the dishes in Korean way and got scolded because they thought I was wasting water..
-Maybe the soap they use is.. edible?
-Hi, I'm a Korean who has been living in the US since I was born.. My family doesn't do the dishes that way here, probably because she prefers the Korean way than the US way? Hehe..
-But why..?
-I've seen that in movies!!