
(admin) hello hello

some of you must have noticed the amount of produce 101 related posts i uploaded these days right?
it's not like i don't want to post other things, it's because pann and instiz are full of produce 101 related posts these days, just like what i tweeted a few days ago. the hype is hilarious. 

some of you are fine with it, but there must be some of you who don't like to see produce 101 posts flooding on their tls (I was one of those people lmao). 

ooooh and no i'm not going on a break just because pann and instiz are full of produce 101.
i don't have school atm so i don't have anything to do at home beside updating this blog, and since pd101 is always talked everywhere, i have no other option..

i hope you can understand this:((
i will try to post nonpd101 posts as often as i can!!


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