Laboum's ZN
She has a really beautiful smile and she also looks really friendly.. I have a feeling she would've become a stewardess if she hadn't debuted as an idol.
This is how she would look like on her way to the airport:
On the plane, comforting a crying baby:
On her day off:
(데이터주의) | 인스티즈" height="400" src="" width="316">
She even gives off the 'stewardess' vibes through her selfies:
-She's really beautiful.. She never fails to steal my attention whenever her group performs on stage..
-Oh.. She really gives off that 'stewardess' vibes..ㅋㅋㅋ
-She looks gorgeous with dark hair..
-She kind of reminds me of Lee Yuri..? Like the innocent and pure version of Lee Yuri..ㅎㅎ
-She reminds me of Irene..
-I personally think she's the prettiest member in Laboum.. My eyes automatically searches for her whenever her group performs on stage!
-I think she would've suited being an announcer more than a stewardess..
-Oh.. She kinda looks like Lovelyz's Yoo Ji Ae!!
-She looks so graceful and elegant.. Whoa..
-Whoa.. She could've become a stewardess for real!!
-I agree.. She looks really friendly! The pretty girl who never feels tired to smile!
-That's the only thing I can think of whenever I see her!
-Whoa.. She's gorgeous..
-I was expecting to see Hello Venus' Nara in this post, though..