Don't girls with big breasts find it uncomfortable to live with? When you try to run, you can't go full out because they're so heavy, and your shoulders and hips always hurt.
Guys always make jokes and talk about sexually harassing you;;
Anyways, when you have to breastfeed, girls with smaller breasts will end up having similar breasts sizes as girls with bigger breasts, doesn't this make you not want to have bigger breasts at all?
No matter what clothes you buy, it'll always look erotic on you, there's seriously nothing useful in having bigger breasts no?
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇ 2017.05.07 11:51
- There must be a lot of people with smaller breasts who would rather have bigger breasts but, girls with bigger breasts always receive sexual remarks from guys behind their backs f*ck.. I have a nuna like that and there's always f*ckers making those remarks about her, I just want to cut their dicks off
line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 0px; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;">Small breasts kids' complex
- 24남 2017.05.07 19:59
- But I find that clothes fits on girls with some amount of breasts still look better than girls with small breasts