Brand New Music's Park Woojin (19 years old)
Choon Ent.'s Kim Yongguk (22 years old)
Brand New Music's Im Young MIn (23 years old)
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-Youngmin is mine..
-Yongguk is mine..
-Two of them are from Brand New Music!
-Three of them are in my fixed pick lists..ㅋㅋㅋ Along with Sungwoon!
-I hope all the boys from Brand New Music gets to debut..
-I agree.. Three of them are the most popular trainees these days..
-I love you, Youngmin..
-Yongguk, you have to debut, okay? I'll make a new different bank account just for you..
-Yongguk is getting more popular!!
-Kitten-like-guy, Yongguk..ㅠㅠㅠ My baby..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-Woojin.. I've had my eyes on him ever since the first episode..
-Youngmin-ah.. Yongguk-ah.. My sweethearts..
-I want the three of them to debut..ㅠㅠ