"Kahi 'Produce 101' "I cried when I learned about Nu'est's feelings... my heart is hurting"
Me too I find Nu'est pitiful but they are already in the top 11 so please Kahi, stop mentioning them.... P101 isn't even over yet she kept mentioning them on every talk-show and it just seems a bit unfair. I also think that she was acting oba when she cried on the first episode....
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- ㅇㅇ 2017.05.24 01:42
- Ya but among the Pledis kids, she mentioned Kim Samuel even more than Nu'est but why are they making it seems like she only talked about them? She kept praising Kim Samuel saying how he's good at dancing, singing and that he resembles Justin Bieber so he stood out the most... But anyways, that's Kahi's problem no? Nu'est didn't even do anything badㅋㅋㅋ the comments are saying how because of Kahi, they are starting to hate on Nu'est which is laughable. Just say that you've always hated themㅋㅋㅋ
- ㅇㅇ 2017.05.24 02:08
- Before you guys start telling Kahi what to do, the MC on the broadcast was the one to ask her what were her reasons to go on P101, so she started talking about Nu'est.. and she didn't even talk much about them, she said instead that it was because it reminded her of wanting to stand on the stage
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- ㅇㅇ 2017.05.24 08:46
- I watched that video and thought that she talked lots about Nu'est but she didn't even mention them for 1 minute but talked about Samuel for 20 minutesㅌㅋㅋShe talked even more about Jang Geunseok. Kahi cried because she was recalling the time she wanted to dance on stage but couldn't do it. Anyways, if you wanna hate on her talking about Nu'est, hate on the PD instead