original post: here
1. This really gives me the feeling of going on a walk at dawn
2. At one point, I really couldn't hear the lyrics anymore so it was a shame. It's not like she was a singer with a bad diction either...
3. I seriously want to listen to this while riding the subway on my way out of work while looking at the Han river
4. I understand why she released this at midnight from the vibe of this song
5. Her voice this time isn't pretty but it sounds so sad? It's my first time hearing a voice like that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it makes the song even more refreshing and I like it
6. I thought that it was gonna be a cheerful song but it's sadder than I thought
7. So good! I feel like it would be even better if you listened to it on a spring night
8. Is she a genius? This is awesome
9. Nice. I couldn't really hear the lyrics from watching the MV so I listened to it while reading the lyrics and they are so good. The lyrics draw you in the more the song progresses
10. Wow I thought that I was the only one who couldn't hear the lyrics... It's been a few years since her lyrics have been hard to decipher. What a shame ㅠ
11. IU's music isn't my styleㅋㅋㅋ but this is quite good! It fits with the season too so I think that I'll be listening to this a lot ㅇㅇ
12. Ah it was raining. I want to go out, lay on the ground in the park and listen to this while looking at the sky