

RPS = Real people slash/shipping people together

= The NCTzens
Especially when it comes to Na Jaemin, he searches himself a lot so he must've seen it (T/n: usually in the K-fandom, they try to make "ship names" unsearchable for idols by twisting the spelling of their names)

post response:
original post: here

1. [+92, -1]
It's because of this that I think that the age group of their fans are so young.. Usually, as soon as an RPS keyword makes it to the trending page, people are all working to to take it down but it's my first time seeing a fandom that even created a hashtag just to trend it.

2. [+53, -2]
Making it to the trending page is crossing the line... I was shocked as soon as I saw it

3. [+42, -19]
But only Jaemin is the visual hereㅋㅋ

4. [+26, -8]

5. [+21, -22]
Even for the people who are doing RPS, this isn't a couple that's talked about a lot so they just wanted to quietly congratulate them. We were also surprised when it was trending but I saw multiple people talking about taking it down and it was ultimately taken down... so isn't this understandable?

6. [+20, -1]
This one tooㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
"Jaem-Jen famous line world cup"

7. [+18, -2]
Seeing NCTzens not saying anything about this is shocking


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