

 (t/n: this has been a huge debate in Korea in the past week, a guy by the name of Son Simba made a bold claim on Twitter stating that RPS was equivalent to Nth room (CMIIW) receiving a lot of diverging opinions. Hence why, it's a pretty popular topic on pann, let us know if you guys are interested to read more about the debate! For those who don't know RPS =  fanfic ship but mainly in a 19+ way aka fanarts/edits/etc.)

Do you tell your friends that you watch RPS? I was a bit bored and came to enter-talk to look at the situation and was so shocked by the posts I read. People around me all think that RPS is disgusting and it's like seeing your friends ship themselves with other male idols...? Ah it's just a bit.. 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+383, -26]
I feel like rather than doing RPS, visiting Nate Pann is something you should be more ashamed of doing 

2. [+237, -15]
Around 4 years ago, I remember watching RPS stuff with my entire class in my all-female school, this makes me realize how weird I was 

3. [+208, -20]
I'm from an all-female school and they freaking do lots of RPS, the entire class would read them together, they all use the same adult account to read them online 

4. [+116, -7]
To be honest, those gay stories aren't even real stories, they're made by writers' imagination so they're actually just "characters" right? So I do believe that reading BL is a form of individual taste... But if you're using a real person and your motive is to make them gay? This is straight up sexual harassmentㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  You can claim stuff like "but those companies don't block RPS, they rather incite it"ㅋㅋㅋ  but the people involved will still feel disgusting in the end? It's sexual harassment so stop this already.. ㅠㅠ

5. [+105, -1]
Ah the way you're basically asking if we're jjinda (t/n: rejects/losers in schools) is hilariousㅌㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+78, -7]
I'm going to an all-female school and all the kids who are fangirling on idols does RPS, whether you're a jindda or an inssa, everyone does it 


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