


post response:
original post: here

1. [+21, -1]
Our captain

2. [+16, -1]
Jun Soyeon is freaking pretty

3. [+13, -1]
No but our God-Sso-captain-nim is no joke...ㅠㅠ captain-nim, I love you

4. [+5, -1]
Ha, but we're not certain yet if they will go for the Japanese style or not. I know that they released a Hanbok teaser but even so, it's not confirmed. But seriously, if they went for a Japanese or Chinese style, I will kinda feel meh

5. [+5, 0]
The coordi's role this time will be so important. The 'Asian feel' can be a bit ambiguous so if they do something wrong, they could get a lot of hate from China too... And if they go for a Japanese style, they will get hate too ㅠ coordi, please do well. If the coordi makes a mistakes, Idle will receive the hate

6. [+5, 0]
The clothes look like the ones from Hann and the kids said that they wanted to do it the Korean style, so I'm not worried

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