
Park Bogum enlists in the army


Article: Park Bogum enlists in the army... followed social distancing rules 'a quiet goodbye'

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

1. [+1,467, -58] Serve well, stay healthy. I'll wait while watching 'Record of Youth'.

2. [+1,042, -43] Really glad that his agency and his fans handled this in a mature manner. This is what I like him for.

3. [+487, -47] Beautiful person... a respectful person all around. What a man👍

4. [+250, -12] Stay healthy~~~

5. [+241, -27] Serve well. Upset that reporters went to take pictures when even fans opted to stay home and support him from afar ㅠㅠ

6. [+71, -7] He's a great guy, I know that he'll adjust well anywhere he's placed~~!

7. [+65, -3] He's personally my favorite actor because of his kind and pure eyes... I hope he has a healthy service and will come back soon to the screen as a more mature person.

8. [+52, -1] I like him because he's always quietly doing his thing while continuing to grow without demanding attention despite being a top star ㅎ I hope he has a great service and comes back a greater man.

9. [+47, -5] Was it necessary to go there to take pictures in these times?

10. [+44, -2] You've worked hard, serve well. He's a great young man.


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