All the idols out there are derivatives from Produce or people I don't know about
The songs are all underwhelming, and everything on Melon are ballads
and there's too many idols who can't act in there
and I can't watch web dramas because they're all too cringe
There's nothing worth watching among variety shows either
All Youtube contents are Vlogs too..
And they add too many ads in videos
F*ck why is it so boring lately..??
post response:
original post: here
1. [+300, -11]
I'm freaking fed up to death of survival shows;.. I'm not curious about what they did to get there it's just so frustrating, just debut them and we'll see;; Produce has thrown the entire idol industry off the winder;;;;; All the songs are the same too;; They all have those tropical beats and those manufactured chorus... And let me add a few more things, it's good that your idols' song gets #1, but lining up all their songs in the chart is so unnecessary, I hope this stopsㅠㅠ But do you think that's all? No. Even for ballad songs, the melody all used the same mass produced recipe and the lyrics are all the same tooㅠㅠ And the kids who have studied a bit of music would know, they all make those ballads and use sajaegi ㅠㅠ Youtube also have a bunch of trolls/scam/boring hidden camera pranks. Even on PANN, it's all about idols or chodings being trolls, there's nothing worth watching;; Yeah that was my rant
2. [+224, -14]
The songs... The idol songs released nowadays are all too difficult to digest for the ears so the melody don't stick to my ears.. Me too, I feel like I'm becoming too old now, or maybe it's just the song industry being ruined
3. [+143, -3]
It's freaking boring to be honest... There was so much stuff worth watching last year f*ck
4. [+127, -8]
Am I the only one who gets pissed by Jo Seho.. He's always sticking to Yoo Jaesuk and when he joins Mudo again, he'll probably stick to him too.. What is he f*ck even Kwanghee is unwelcomed
5. [+126, -1]
Aren't the outpouring new idols coming out all so cringey? It's a supply without demand... Why are they doing this..?