original post: here
1. [+379, -6]
I don't understand how she's the hottest celebrity overseas... They really must have different standards
2. [+299, -10]
I thought she was a half-human, half-beast Kentauros... I feel like she would be walking on her 4 limbs next year
3. [+118, -15]
Ultimately, she has a face of a man... too much is as bad as too little...
4. [+109, -6]
Her butt is weirder
5. [+44, -7]
I really find her so-so
6. [+14, -1]
Her body is so artificial that even Americans make lots of sarcastic comments about her. Her waist is abnormally thin and her butt is exaggeratedly big. That's not made through exercising but through procedures and that's not a healthy body. I find her dongsaeng Kylie's glamorous body better