
Park Jihoon want to get Park Jihoon's eyes because of its unique slanted shape harmonizing with his pronounced double eyelids

Yeri's eyes are so sparkly and pretty, they're big and refreshing to look at
post response: +2
original post: here
1. Can you really achieve Park Jihoon's eyes with surgery...? If so, then it's daebak..I'll bet my life on it
2. If you can really achieve Jihoon's eyes with surgery, I want to try it...
3. I thought for female idols, it would be Irene
4. For me, when I went to do mine, I brought Jungkook's picture hehehe but it seems like a lot of people have been using Wanna one's pictures lately ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ My doctor must not really know idols because when I showed him my picture he went "is that Wanna One?" And I agree there are a lot of people who use Yeri and Irene's pictures too
> Can I ask you which picture you showed?
> I showed him a couple of them, I made a folder for this ^^
5. I thought it would be Irene and Park Jihoon
6. If you can achieve Park Jihoon's slanted eye shape, then I'm heading to the surgeon right now
7. I thought I'd see Jihoon and Irene but Yeri's eyes are also very prettyㅠㅠㅠ Joy's eyes are pretty too ㅠㅠ
8. Even if you want to do it, if it doesn't originally look similar, you won't be able to achieve itㅠㅠ
9. I went there with Jeonghan's pictureㅎㅎ...