

Image result for korea high school(pic not included)

(T/N: in Korean education system, and like most countries, kids go straight to university after high school)
I’m in my 3rd year of high school and I  just finished taking my entrance exam
I feel sorry my mom and I feel depressed which is the reason why I’m writing this post
During all my past 6 years of middle school, I’ve never put on makeup and dieted once.
I only studied. People would often say that I could make it into the SKY universities (Seoul National University-Korea University-Yonsei University).
I didn’t even know how to play around, and that’s just how my life was like.
To be honest, as soon as my entrance exams were over, I started to prepare for the interviews.
It’s almost as if my life revolved only around the entrance exams.
Last Friday, I was done with all my interviews and I finally started to genuinely play around starting this Monday.
I hung out with my friends, went to the gym, washed my dishes and did laundry at home, did some other house chores and slept early.
I’ve been living like this for 4 days now.
Meanwhile, for the past 4 days, my mom has been telling me to read the news, to go get my license, to read books, to go pass my TOEFL and Chinese certificate, etc… and kept on nagging me non-stop.
At first, of course, I made my own plans and she was understanding but now, even though I just rest for a little bit, she would continue to nag me endlessly.
And because of this, I exploded in rage today.
I told her:
“Until when am I gonna live like an infant??
I want to wear makeup, wear color lenses and want to change my phone.
I’ve already told you all of that even before my entrance exam but you haven’t gotten me any of those.
What will I even waste away for playing around for these past 4 few days?”
I wondered if I went too overboard with her,
But I just couldn’t stop and talked until the end.
And then my mom replied
“I was the one paying for all your school fees up until now so at least take it slow instead of raging. And when it comes to paying for the gym and paying for vacations, who do you think handled that?”
To be honest, everything she said was right.
Just my interviews and school books costed us almost 5,000,000 won (~4.6K USD)
So I told her that I was gonna look for a part-time job
I was so mad
She said that instead of earning minimum wage, I should just study…..
I seriously want to experience a lot of diverse things
I also want to wear makeup and doll myself up.
I want to enjoy life.
Even though it’s only for a bit, next week, I will already have to go complete my certificates and start my readings.
She refuses to let me do the things I want even with my own money.
She doesn’t even like the fact that I was resting for these past 4 days.
Seriously, I feel like chocking up.
Meanwhile, I do worry about our family’s financial situation and feel sorry towards my mom.
But even so, my dad is a manager in one of those big business and my mom is an office worker. So I don’t understand why they always tell me that we have no money at home.
My mom doesn’t want me to make money but doesn’t want to give me allowance.
ㅠㅠㅠ I thought that I would walk the flower path after my 3rd year of high school
But I didn’t know that I would end up living like that

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original post: here

와 |2017.12.15 14:44 신고하기
What’s funny about our country’s parents is that they will only give to their kids everything that they want and they find satisfaction in bragging about their kids... You better start doing things your own ways to make them realize that what they are doing is wrong. If not, even after you go to university, get married and will live your married life, your parents will still want to control everything.

멘탈붕괴 |2017.12.15 14:46 신고하기
You thought that it would be the end after high school…? This is just the beginning… during the time you are at school, you have to manage your academics, your credits, your language learning skills, your learning speed, the competition around you, your circle of friends, your volunteering experience, whether or not you go on an exchange program, etc…. but once  you enter the work life, you have to worry about your boyfriend, your household, getting married, etc…. once you get married, you have to think about your grandkids, which kindergarten to send your kids to, which elementary school to send your kids to, which high school and so forth…. Just like the Mobius strip,  issues come and go like a vicious circle. There’s no end. That being said, you should still try and live your own life for once… your parents will adapt… we have to change the mentality that parents have total ownership over their kids… if your parents tell you “but I raised you up…” just say “I did everything you asked me to do and didn’t do anything you didn’t want me to do for the past 20 years, just let me do something I want for once and leave me alone!!”. Kids can’t stay in their arms for their whole lives… seriously, although it might hurt them for a bit, you have to live your own life… if you always obey them, you will end up having no say in your life at all.

닐바렛 |2017.12.15 15:00 신고하기
Just buckle your seat belt. Hell is welcoming you now


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